• +61 (02) 9627 4333
  • Hours 8 AM TO 4 PM (FRI TO 3 PM)


Code Image Product Name
CONC16 TP C16 Round Containers Clear 440ml (50) TP C16 Round Containers Clear 440ml (50)
CONC25TP TP C25 Containers 620ml  (50) TP C25 Containers 620ml (50)
CLIW45TP TP Caterers Wrap 45cm x 600m TP Caterers Wrap 45cm x 600m
FOILGP TP Catering Foil Roll 30cm
FST75BIK TP Closed Cell Trays 7x5 Shallow Black (500) TP Closed Cell Trays 7x5 Shallow Black (500)
CONCM5000T TP CM500 Rect Containers (50) TP CM500 Rect Containers (50)
CONCM7500T TP CM750 Rect Containers (50) TP CM750 Rect Containers (50)
CUTDS TP Cutlery Dessert Spoons (100)
NAPKGT TP Dinner Napkin White GT Fold (1000)
NAPM00 TP Dinner Napkin Wht 1/4 Fold
NAPD00 TP Dispenser Napkins 5000
LIDPL12TP TP Dome Lid 12,15,18&22oz 1000
LIDR2TP TP Medium Portion Control Cup Lids 2oz 3000
CONR2TP TP Medium Portion Control Cups 2oz Clear 3000
NB1050L TP Natural Noodle Bowl Lid 1050ml 400 TP Natural Noodle Bowl Lid 1050ml 400
PLAPL10 TP Plates Round PS Plastic 10"  (50) TP Plates Round PS Plastic 10" (50)
PAPI03 TP Pure Premium Paper Towel Interleaf Compact TP Pure Premium Paper Towel Interleaf Compact
NAPKGTB TP Quilted Dinner Napkins Brown GT Fold (1000) TP Quilted Dinner Napkins Brown GT Fold (1000)
NAPEBR TP Quilted Express Napkins V Fold Brown (6000) TP Quilted Express Napkins V Fold Brown (6000)
NB1050W TP White Noodle Bowl 1050ml 400 TP White Noodle Bowl 1050ml 400
TWIT00 Twist Ties 4" Paper (1000) Twist Ties 4" Paper (1000)
TWITPL Twist Ties Paper Red (1000)
VEGP00 Vegetable Parchment Paper (500
VEGF00 VF Veg Film 1300mx45cm 14 mic