• +61 (02) 9627 4333
  • Hours 8 AM TO 4 PM (FRI TO 3 PM)

Fats and Oils

Fats and Oils
Code Image Product Name
MEAM00 Pilot Meadow Maid Spread Margarine 15kg Pilot Meadow Maid Spread Margarine 15kg
VOLEH0G Pilot Pastry Margarine Pieces Hard 15kg (Volex) Pilot Pastry Margarine Pieces Hard 15kg (Volex)
VOLE0G Pilot Pastry Margarine Pieces Medium 15kg (Volex) Pilot Pastry Margarine Pieces Medium 15kg (Volex)
CHAM0G Pilot Pastry Margarine With Milk Fat 12.5kg Pilot Pastry Margarine With Milk Fat 12.5kg
PATS00 Pilot Patisserie Spread 15kg Pilot Patisserie Spread 15kg
DISP00 Pilot Pie Base Shortening 15kg (Disperse) Pilot Pie Base Shortening 15kg (Disperse)
PROV00 Pilot Pro-VE Shortening 12kg Pilot Pro-VE Shortening 12kg
VOLS00 Pilot Shortpaste Margarine (100g) Pieces Medium15k Pilot Shortpaste Margarine (100g) Pieces Medium15k
UTIS0G Pilot Utility Shortening 15kg Pilot Utility Shortening 15kg
COOBPP Pin & Peel Cookie Blend Margarine 12.5kg Pin & Peel Cookie Blend Margarine 12.5kg
ALPV00 Probake All Purpose Vegetable Shortening 15kg Probake All Purpose Vegetable Shortening 15kg
BREOPB Probake Bread Oleo 15kg
PASNHPB Probake Pastry Margarine Nuggets HARD 12kg
PASNPB Probake Pastry Margarine Nuggets MED 12kg Probake Pastry Margarine Nuggets MED 12kg
PIEBPB Probake Pie Bottom Shortening 15kg Probake Pie Bottom Shortening 15kg
VEGPPB Probake Vegetable Pastry Margarine Nuggets MED12kg Probake Vegetable Pastry Margarine Nuggets MED12kg
CAKH00 PTL Cake Margarine Hard 15kg PTL Cake Margarine Hard 15kg
CAKS00 PTL Cake Margarine MEDIUM 15kg PTL Cake Margarine MEDIUM 15kg
CRECT0G PTL Crème Shortening Hard 15kg (Creme Cup) PTL Crème Shortening Hard 15kg (Creme Cup)
CREC0G PTL Creme Shortening Medium 15kg (Creme Cup) PTL Creme Shortening Medium 15kg (Creme Cup)
MELL00 PTL Mello Cake Margarine Medium 15kg PTL Mello Cake Margarine Medium 15kg
PASPH0G PTL Pastry Margarine (100g) Pieces HARD 15kg
PASP0G PTL Pastry Margarine Medium (100g) Pieces 15kg PTL Pastry Margarine Medium (100g) Pieces 15kg
PIEB00 PTL Pie Base Shortening with Emulsifiers 15kg PTL Pie Base Shortening with Emulsifiers 15kg